Alright, here we are again, and now I'll be updating you with LEGO city pictures! Yayzerz! Now, I do collect LEGO City, but not as avidly as I do some themes. Anyway, let's go back to the pictures! Also, in the comments below, tell me how to improve the format of my posts.
$89.99 US
$119.99 CAN
551 Pieces, we have a winner here, despite the price being a little on the high side, this set looks to have decent features, certainly a first for LEGO sets, City and otherwise. The boat is really cool, but doesn't look very big or well scaled, but the dock is brilliant, reminiscent of the dock from my home town of Qualicum Beach, it's small compared to previous incarnations, but still large enough for maximum functionality. The truck, brilliant, but LEGO could have come up with a slightly more imaginative cargo than a couple tan cylinders.
$59.99 US
$79.99 CAN (*Chokes*)
254 Pieces
This set looks cool, but I won't even delve any deeper with this because of the price, this will probably deter most all Canadian buyers, as well as most American buyers, simply because, you cannot supplement a huge price with a cool looking set, especially at a mere 254 pieces.
$39.99 US
$49.99 CAN
254 Pieces
Let me go on the record as saying, "WHAT THE HECK? DANGGIT LEGO!". This set carries on the theme of overpriced, bay themed LEGO sets with a terrible PTP ratio. Yeah, it looks cool, but remember that this does have the same piece count as the Marina above, and look at my thoughts on that.
$29.99 US
$39.99 CAN
64 Pieces /Facepalm
At a mere 64 pieces, this set has one of the worst PTP ratios of any set i've ever seen, but that aside, this set, despite the bad PTP ratio, is actually oaky looking, with cool figs, decent pieces, and the ability to float on water, like the Green Lantern. Anyway, if you do decide to buy this set, and I doubt you will, just ignore the PTP ratio.
$4.99 US
$7.99 CAN
34 Pieces
/Happydance. This set, despite being small, has a solid PTP ration, a decent looking fig, and stunning attention to detail packed into an eight dollar treat. This, though more of a Christmas Stocking/Easter basket filler or impulse buy, would be a solid addition to any LEGO City, but we doubt you'll get it after being wiped out by the other sets.
Anyway, till' next time, peace out!